Posterior Tibia

Put the wrist in the patient’s popliteal space. Bring the leg in full flexion (knee towards shoulder) and take it until you feel the right place for a thrust. The thrust is bringing the heel towards the glutes.

ClinicaI Information

Closely correlated with the lateral hamstring.

Related Muscles: Rectus Femoris

Rectus femoris

Organ: Small Intestine

Nutrition: Vitamin D; vitamin B complex; small intestine concentrate or nucleoprotein extract, Okrapepsin E3 (dissolves); Cholacol 2 (scrubs); chlorophyll complex.

Nerve root(s): L2, L3, L4

Peripheral nerve: Femoral

Associated point: S1

Meridian: Small Intestine

Postural key: Some loss of anterior pelvic stabilization, PI ilium on weak side

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